Monday, June 2, 2014

The Rules Of The Solar System and The Galaxy

Solar Nebula Theory- The solar nebula theory states that the solar system came to be when a star exploded and formed a rotating nebula that from which the sun and planets were formed.
  • Newton’s Three Laws-
1)The law of inertia-An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by an unbalanced force
3)Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
  • Kepler’s Three Laws-
1)The Law of Ellipses-Planets orbit the sun in an ellipse
2)The Law of equal areas-speed at which any planet moves through space is constantly changing. A planet moves faster when it is closer to the sun
3)The Law of Harmonies-compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a planet to those of other planets. Orbital period squared over the average distance from the sun cubed is the same for every planet
  • How Fast you are moving when you are sitting still
Universe-stretches-gamma-rays expand to x-rays to ultra-violet light to visible light to micro and radio waves.
Galaxy-spinning- thought to be orbiting the universe and moving through space towards The Great Attractor at 1.3 million miles per hour
Sun and therefore the solar system- milling around or orbiting the center of the galaxy at 483000 miles per hour. 225 million years per orbit
Earth-spinning at 1000 miles per hours and revolving around the sun at 66000 miles per hour

Explain the rules that govern or solar system and galaxy

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