Thursday, March 6, 2014

Experiment: Yeast

Yeast is one of the main ingredients in most breads, and it’s actually alive. It’s a fungus, so naturally, it needs food. Sugar is one of the best yeast foods, but what if we tried feeding the yeast another form of sugar, such as coke?

If we feed the yeast coke, then they will not grow as well as they would if they were fed sugar.

Independent variable
Yeast food (sugar vs coke)
Dependant variable
How much the yeast grows
  • 2 graduated cylinders
  • brand of active-dry yeast
  • (initial) amount of active-dry yeast
  • amount of coke and sugar
  • (2) 10 mL graduated cylinders
  • 2 mL of coke and water solution
  • 2 mL of sugar and water mixture
  • (2) 2 mL rations of yeast
  • paper towels (the yeast tends to overflow)
  1. Put both beakers on top of a paper towel
  2. Add one ration of yeast to each of the two beakers
  3. Add the coke/water solution to one of the beakers
  4. Add the sugar/water mixture to the other one
  5. Mix the both of the beakers
  6. Watch and observe

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